
AAMD Poster Guidelines

The purpose of the Poster Presentations at the AAMD Annual Meeting is to promote and encourage medical dosimetry professionals and students to pursue research activities within their clinical settings that then can be showcased as posters.

Currently, this is a non-competitive, peer-reviewed process.

Click Here to submit a Poster Abstract for the upcoming AAMD Annual Meeting.

To submit your Poster Abstract, you will need the following information:

  1. Co-Author(s) information (if applicable)
  2. Poster Abstract Text (limited to 2000 characters or less) that represent original work. 
  3. Learner Outcomes (A minimum of three (3) learner outcomes)
  4. Summative Statement – 25 words or less (This is a short description of the poster and will be published on the website if your poster is selected.)
  5. A short bio (submitting author)
  6. A Review Verification Letter (Required for Students)


How to Write an Abstract and Learner Outcomes


The purpose of the abstract is to convey the significance of your work and to describe your contribution. Reviewers are looking specifically at what you did when they evaluate your abstract, so be clear. Reviewers also want to understand how your work has led to new information. Similarly, include a sentence or two at the beginning of your abstract about the context of your work and another sentence or two at the end about how your findings advanced the field. This will help the reviewers.

The submission will consist of three paragraphs. The first paragraph will be the abstract.  The second should be supporting data. The third paragraph should be the conclusion.  The supporting data may be in tables, graphs, etc. The body of the abstract should be limited to 2000 characters or less.

When submitting a poster for the AAMD Annual Meeting, the first author must be a practicing medical dosimetrist or a student that is currently attending a JRCERT accredited medical dosimetry educational program.

For abstracts submitted by medical dosimetry students, a signed letter from the Program Director or a CMD co-author must accompany the submission that indicates the poster was reviewed by this person before the student submission.

Learner Outcomes

You are being asked to provide three (3) learner outcomes.

  1. A learner outcome should describe what the reader should know or be able to do after reading your poster. In other words, what are the take-home messages that the audience will have after reading and viewing your poster?

Example: The reader will be able to describe the effect of the choice of photon energy on the calculated surface dose of lung tumors.

  1. These learner outcomes are NOT intended to describe facts that the author did not explain but assumed the reader to have prior knowledge. For a list of accepted learning objective verbs click here.
  2. The learner outcomes can NOT describe unproven conclusions.

Example: The reader will be able to explain how the VMAT head and neck treatments will increase cure rates compared to 7 field IMRT treatments.

Poster Guidelines:

  • Poster Dimensions should be 4 feet by 4 feet
  • Subject: Must cover what was submitted in abstract
  • Identification: Title, author(s), credentials, institution
  • Text: Greater than 24pts. Typed
  • Font: Use San-Serif (Arial, Helvetica, or Calibri)
  • Production: Use color and simple graphics
  • Displayed materials should be self-explanatory
  • We encourage presenters to use supporting data such as tables, graphs, illustrations, etc.
  • Layout: Columnar with more graphics than text